Day 9 - Soviet Desert Drive
Day 9 Waking up in Moynaq; kind of crazy because we are in a kind of front garden of...
Day 9 Waking up in Moynaq; kind of crazy because we are in a kind of front garden of...
Day 8 We brushed teeth the next day. Between the showering truckers. Then left for Uzbekistan. Of course...
Day 7 And then you wake up in the middle of nowhere. Where at night you still think that...
Day 6 Went to sleep at a truckers stop 370km before Volgograd. Saw Rosa and only one of us could go to...
Day 5 3 am now on the Ukrainian-Russian border. Literally sent from the box to the wall. You get hit...
And then we realised it was already Wednesday! What everyone is wondering is: How is Pablo?? Well, we can say he has been in...