Published on 3-06-2019

Pablo has won Holland's Next Top Model 5 and will tour through central Asia on a Ghengis Kahn modelling contract this summer.

We could not be more thrilled!

But first things first. I we will be travelling through central Asia, Pablo needs to be made fit for this purpose!

Some places it will be difficult to find a place to sleep for the night and we are on a very tight schedule. To be self-sufficient and to be able to cross large distances in short amounts of time, we have decided to incorporate a sleeping possibility in Pablo.

- Operation Bed for Pablo -

Watch the video for a short breakdown of the how, what and why

 And ofcourse you will need some additional pieces to finalize the bed, such as the following:

1. Mattress

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2. Re-shape mattress to needed size

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3. Finished mattress

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